Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Friday night we got the honor of attending hands down, the sweetest wedding I have ever been to. Only four family's attended. The part that stressed me out the most - The fear of there not being enough.... Enough time, enough preparation, enough decoration, enough effort. I'll be the first to admit the word "simple" is hardly ever my first thought... or my last thought. In most cases it's  not even on the radar but after Steven and Misty's wedding I'm a believer! Brother Jack said to them after the wedding " see your just as married as someone who had spent ten thousand on a wedding." Two people in love, who had dated for four and a half years were excited about spending their lives together. That is what I walked away from that wedding thinking.

After the wedding we all decided to go to Logan's. The funniest thing happen - I'm pretty sure this is one of those "you had to see it moments" - but just in case it's not, here goes - so we where sitting at our table and I glace behind me to the empty table - well, what I thought to be a empty table. I causally open a peanut as I'm having a conversation with Brandi and Kevin acting all cool, tossed the peanut shell over my shoulder. Their eyes both got huge! I had just hit a man in the head with the peanut shell sitting directly behind me, only inches away!!! I'm sure the fact that he was sitting so close made the impact of it hard. However, I'm not sure how much he accepted my apology beings that I couldn't hardly stop laughing while giving it to him. Thank goodness he seemed to be a nice man. Could you imagine him being like, "you and me outside" to Kevin? In front of Sister Susie and Brother Jack. I apparently watch way to many movies and have an over active imagination. 

Saturday was mile yard sales with Marty. In Grant..... Not New Hope.... two different places. But they both have a Hardees..... just in case you were wondering. You would think the term mile yard sale would apply that its one continuous mile but..... nope. In Grant it means a little bit here and little bit there and down the road a little bit more! You know us girls made the most of it and had a load of fun doing it!
Saturday afternoon was back to back ball games at Brian's - nail biters! Sunday we went to a funeral and then Kevin had to take Blake back to Hartselle :( So much for a day of rest. You would think there being no church all weekend means not as much driving but we filled up the SUV twice! I'm not complaining I do love our busy little life!

Marty is an furniture re-finisher and is quite good at it. This desk is one of my $15.00 thrift store finds that I re-finished about two years ago - it actually had wallpaper on part of it when I bought it. Now it's one of my favorite pieces of furniture in my house! The chickens (or roosters??) came from yard sale day and match my kitchen perfect!


  1. The roosters look great! And I LOVE the furniture piece!! And I'm proud the man didn't beat Kevin up - I'm a lover, not a fighter and I would have hated to have ran off and left him there! :)

  2. LOL Marty, I thinking we all would have been running! :)
