Monday, August 2, 2010


All is well with the world (at least in my world) my babies are home! It's a amazing how much better I sleep at night, just knowing my children are under the same roof as me.
We have one week until school starts. Where did this Summer go? I reread some of my older post and it was just a couple of blogs ago that I was excited that school was about to be out. I guess, I could attribute some of that to my lack of blogging this Summer.... but still it was way too fast!
I had my heart set on moving to Huntsville/Riverton area but here we sit and the school year has rolled around again. I'm a little disappointed that things didn't' work out with our house selling. We still have our house on the market but it looks like we are going to build on the little spot of land we have beside our house. Hopefully, we can sell both houses by the time school is out this Summer. I know most normal people get excited about building. I'm like "call me when it's over"! Even if it was a house that we were going to live in long term I'd probably have the same bad attitude about it. :)
As I was writing this blog Nanny (the ones the kids went to Disney with) called and said they had found her oldest brother, Mike dead this morning so please say a prayer for her and that family. Terri loves her family so much. They are all close so it's going to be a difficult time for them.
Trenton and I went down to Honeycomb to keep Tyler for awhile. Tyler is autistic (sp?) he has the best attitude and the sweetest spirit. Heaven is going to be full of people like Tyler. People that know no sin and are pure in their hearts, minds and motives. Tyler pets me. He always comes up behind me and pats my back. Sometimes he'll hug my back or give me a kiss on the back. He has this sweet half grin on his face and shy eyes as he gives his love. It's precious. Tyler can say very few words but I believe he knows everything thats going on. He thinks most everything is funny. Tyler has truly been blessed by God to be adopted by Terri and TR. And in the same breath I can say, Poppa and Nanny are blessed by God to have Tyler.

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